Anniversary Books
Over the course of the 170 years there have been significant milestones which have been marked by celebrations. As a part of each of these celebrations it has been important to reflect on our past, appreciate and recognize the leadership of the synagogue, say “Thank You” to the Rabbis and Cantors, and be grateful for our Leadership and Keneseth Israel Community.
KI Milestones were marked at 90 years, 100 years, 150 years and 170 years of the synagogues life. Temple Judea created Anniversary Books for their 25th and 50th year celebrations. Linked below are the Anniversary Books which list significant historical facts, Rabbis, Cantors, Officers, Women of KI, Men’s Club and various other committees.
In addition, two books are from Temple Judea. Both Rabbi Fineshriber from Keneseth Israel and Rabbi Berkowitz from Rodeph Shalom, helped to get Temple Judea on its feet. Fifty years later, Temple Judea merged with KI.